Wednesday, October 7, 2015

My Everything but the Kitchen Sink Salad


Chopped Romaine Lettuce
Chopped Kale
Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Cooked Quinoa
Baked Salmon
Hard Boiled Egg
Pomegranate Seeds
Homemade Balsamic Vinaigrette


  1. Roasted Sweet Potato: Clean, peel and cut your raw sweet potato in 1 inch diameter cubes. Toss with some coconut oil and your favorite herbs (garlic, pepper etc.) and roast in a 425 degree oven for about 40 minutes until cooked and crispy on the outside.
  2. Fluffy Quinoa: To cook quinoa you will need one part quinoa and two parts liquid. For example, to make one cup of dry quinoa, you will need to add 1 cup of dry quinoa to two cups of water/chicken stock/vegetable stock. Cook on medium high for about 20 minutes.
  3. Baked Salmon: Place a piece of thawed salmon onto a baking sheet lined with foil and sprinkle with your favorite herbs (parsley, oregano, pepper, garlic etc.). Bake at 400 degrees for about 12-15 minutes. The juice in the salmon is so moist that you wont even need oil!
  4. Hard Boiled Eggs: Place eggs in regular temperature water then bring to a boil for 12 minutes on high. Turn the heat off and keep eggs in the water for another 5 minutes before peeling. 
  5. Homemade Balsamic Vinegar Dressing: In a blender, add juice of two lemons, apple cider vinegar, dark balsamic vinegar, some olive oil, fresh garlic, dijon mustard, onion powder and pepper. Blend all the ingredients together and you have yourself a clean dressing you can use throughout the entire week!

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